Jennifer Schmitt

Ecommerce Re-platforming for New York & Company


Seamlessly migrate the e-commerce platform from Oracle ATG Commerce to Shopify Plus to improve scalability, performance, and user experience within 3 months.Role: Product Manger / Project Manager

Role: Product Manager / Project Manager


  • Applied experience in UX and digital transformation to oversee the migration.

  • Migrate product catalog and ensure products are tagged with correct categories (collections) and live.

  • Coordinated and migrated third-party vendor and media integrations.

  • Oversaw the creation of SEO redirects to maintain search engine rankings.

  • Managed content setup (homepage, CMS pages, size charts, banners, promotions) and merchandising for the site launch.

  • Managed pre and post QA testing by prioritizing issues collected in Google Sheets and issuing Jira tickets with detailed requirements.


  • Ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime during the migration process.

  • Coordinating multiple third-party integrations without disrupting existing services.

  • Training the site operations team on the new technologies within a tight timeline.

  • Ensuring seamless user experience and maintaining SEO performance post-migration.


  • Developed a detailed migration plan, including a timeline and resource allocation.

  • Collaborated with merchandising and ecommerce operations team to implement the new navigation structure and taxonomy.

  • Coordinated with third-party vendors to ensure smooth integration with the new platform.

  • Led the creation and implementation of SEO redirects to maintain search engine rankings.

  • Designed and conducted comprehensive training sessions for the site operations team on new platform, Algolia merchandising, and Contentful CMS.

  • Oversaw the setup of content and merchandising to ensure a cohesive and engaging site experience at launch.

  • Prioritize product back-log and hold daily stand-ups to keep team on track (IT, ecommerce operations, SEO)

  • Facilitated regular cross-functional team meetings to track progress and resolve issues promptly.

  • Prioritized and tracked QA issues using Google Sheets and Jira, ensuring timely resolution and a smooth launch.


  • Successfully migrated New York and Company to Shopify Plus Headless with minimal downtime and data integrity issues.

  • Improved site navigation and product discovery, enhancing user experience.

  • Enabled the site operations team to efficiently manage the new platform, leading to better site maintenance and faster updates without relying on IT.

  • Achieved a seamless site launch with well-managed content and merchandising.


  • Thorough planning, detailed migration strategies, and daily standups are crucial for minimizing disruptions during platform transitions on a tight timeline.

  • Effective communication and regular stakeholder updates are crucial for managing large-scale projects.

  • Comprehensive training programs can significantly reduce the transition time and improve team efficiency.

  • Continuous QA testing and prioritization of issues are key to a successful launch and ongoing site performance.