Ecommerce Re-platforming for New York & Company
Seamlessly migrate the e-commerce platform from Oracle ATG Commerce to Shopify Plus to improve scalability, performance, and user experience within 3 months.Role: Product Manger / Project Manager
Role: Product Manager / Project Manager
Applied experience in UX and digital transformation to oversee the migration.
Migrate product catalog and ensure products are tagged with correct categories (collections) and live.
Coordinated and migrated third-party vendor and media integrations.
Oversaw the creation of SEO redirects to maintain search engine rankings.
Managed content setup (homepage, CMS pages, size charts, banners, promotions) and merchandising for the site launch.
Managed pre and post QA testing by prioritizing issues collected in Google Sheets and issuing Jira tickets with detailed requirements.
Ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime during the migration process.
Coordinating multiple third-party integrations without disrupting existing services.
Training the site operations team on the new technologies within a tight timeline.
Ensuring seamless user experience and maintaining SEO performance post-migration.
Developed a detailed migration plan, including a timeline and resource allocation.
Collaborated with merchandising and ecommerce operations team to implement the new navigation structure and taxonomy.
Coordinated with third-party vendors to ensure smooth integration with the new platform.
Led the creation and implementation of SEO redirects to maintain search engine rankings.
Designed and conducted comprehensive training sessions for the site operations team on new platform, Algolia merchandising, and Contentful CMS.
Oversaw the setup of content and merchandising to ensure a cohesive and engaging site experience at launch.
Prioritize product back-log and hold daily stand-ups to keep team on track (IT, ecommerce operations, SEO)
Facilitated regular cross-functional team meetings to track progress and resolve issues promptly.
Prioritized and tracked QA issues using Google Sheets and Jira, ensuring timely resolution and a smooth launch.
Successfully migrated New York and Company to Shopify Plus Headless with minimal downtime and data integrity issues.
Improved site navigation and product discovery, enhancing user experience.
Enabled the site operations team to efficiently manage the new platform, leading to better site maintenance and faster updates without relying on IT.
Achieved a seamless site launch with well-managed content and merchandising.
Thorough planning, detailed migration strategies, and daily standups are crucial for minimizing disruptions during platform transitions on a tight timeline.
Effective communication and regular stakeholder updates are crucial for managing large-scale projects.
Comprehensive training programs can significantly reduce the transition time and improve team efficiency.
Continuous QA testing and prioritization of issues are key to a successful launch and ongoing site performance.